Feuillet 2A : Formulaire de dépistage du patient/accompagnateur de 6 ans et plus ( D-H-A-T-DD-P)
1. Are you currently in isolation due to a positive test result for COVID-19? *
2. Has it been recommended that you take a screening test or are you awaiting a test result? *
3. Have you been instructed to palce yourself in preventive isolation (e.g., returning from a trip abroad less than 14 days ago, contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?) *
4. Do you have a feeling of fever, chills like the flu, or a feaver, with a temperature taken by mouth, higher than 38oC (100.4oF), or than 37.8oC (100.0oF) for seniors *
5. Do you have a new cough or a recently worsening chronic cough? *
6. Do you have breathing difficulties? *
7. Do you feel out of breath? *
8. Have you noticed a sudden loss of smell (without nasal congestion) with or without loss of taste? *
9. Have you a sore throat? *
10. Do you have at least 2 of the following symptoms? *• Headache• Intense fatigue• Muscle pain (not linked to physical exertion)• Significant loss of appetite• Nausea or vomiting• Diarrhea
11. Do you have a known health issue that might explain the symptoms described above? If so, specify *
7199 Boulevard Newman, Lasalle, H8N 2K3